DenimByDome releases graphic knitted jersey

Denim and streetwear brand DenimByDome has a graphic knitted jersey on the way for the winter. The jersey has limited numbers with only 50 units being made available. Pre-orders began yesterday and will be taken until the 6th of July, so if you’re interested you’ll have to act fast. Check out the jersey, and order […]

Stogie T enlists Benny the Butcher and Nasty C for his double single release today

Stogie T hit us with a double single release today. He features Griselda Records’ Benny the Butcher on “Animals” and Nasty C on “Dunno”. The singles are from his forthcoming album “Dux Africanus” that we’ll be getting in the fourth quarter of the year. “Dux” being the Latin word for “leader,” the album title makes […]