Blxckie Hottest MC 2021

Blxckie Emerges As MTV Base Hottest MC of 2021

MTV Base Hottest MCs list reveal is an anticipated yearly fixture every December. This year was not any different and for the 2021 instalment, the affair was hosted by MTV Base Culture Squad member Tshego Koke. The panel assembled consisted of DJ Zan D, Shala The Unicorn, Kai, Buhle, Siya and French Fry, who debated and deliberated over a period of two days, from 3 – 4 December on who the 10 Best MCs in South African hip hop for 2021 were.

At the end of the raucous, the undeniable Blxckie emerged the victor, as he was unanimously placed at No.1. The Kwa-Zulu Natal native has had nothing short of an amazing year, having been recognised in South Africa and beyond, as a supreme talent, owing to the amount of awards and accolades he has received. Following the release of his debut album B4Now (along with its deluxe edition), he has pivoted into a household name after being touted as being in line for superstardom, off the many features and singles he had released prior to the album. He has lived up to those expectations and with the work ethic he has exhibited, he is destined to reach loftier heights. 

As can be expected however, the rest of the list elicited lots of debates and differing views from the general populace, particularly online. Some questioned the order of the list, some questioned the inclusion as well as the exclusion of some MCs on the list, and most interestingly, some questioned the credibility and credentials of the members of the panel assembled by MTV Base. All in all, the biggest take away for us is the fact that South African hip hop seems to be entering into a new era where it won’t be dominated by the two former juggernaut MCs who have done so in the past.

See the full list of this year’s MTV Base Hottest MCs below:

MTV Base Hottest MCs 2021 List
1. Blxckie
2. Big Zulu
3. Nasty C
4. A-Reece
5. 25K
6. K.O & Riky Rick
7. Costa Titch
8. Lucas Raps
9. Priddy Ugly 
10. Dee Koala

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