In Bed With… Stogie T, Rouge, and Bas

The year was 2003 and “They say a thin-skinned drum makes the loudest beat” were the lyrics you first heard when you opened yourself up to the experience of Tumi and the Volume’s Live at the Baseline album. The artist had already made a name for himself with his solo exploits in the Joburg hip hop scene but his work with 340ml and Kyla Rose Smith took Tumi and the Volume to new heights. SA’s scene was heavy with boom-bap beats and street anthems, his melodic and eclectic approach set the bar for hip hop performances for years to come.

Rouge burst onto the scene with fiery red hair and an appreciation for her craft that rivalled none. Not the first or last in the line of women carving out a name for themselves in the industry, her name stands out for going toe-to-toe with the best in the business and standing her ground. Seeking to be well versed in the discipline of the arts, she studied it at TUKS and the formal degree gave her an upper hand in bettering her performance of it. Her live shows to date stand as testament.

Dreamville’s Bas is no stranger to some of the biggest stages in the world. When Castle Lite brought him to SA for their Ultimate Summer Vibe show in December 2018, he said it “rivals any show we’ve ever done in the world. New York, LA, London; we usually look at those as the big shows and this was just as big, just as loud, if not louder, just as fun as any show we’ve ever done.”

There are a few things these artists have in common; their love of rap as an art form is one, their diverse backgrounds another. But more than that is their ability to deliver incredible performances that go above and beyond expectation no matter the stage.

While the country’s been locked down in social isolation, Castle Lite has given these artists a stage of a different kind, In Bed With. A series of 30-minute live stream sessions, they’ve put together a digital experience to keep you entertained while you do your civic duty and stay at home. In addition to the live entertainment, they’ll be donating one Rand for every view to the Solidarity Fund set up to aid less fortunate communities as we battle this worldwide pandemic.

The live-stream will be hosted by Sway Calloway on Castle Lite’s YouTube page this evening at 19:30 SAST. The second episode in the series, the first had Nasty C, Moozlie, and The Kiffness entertain us last Wednesday.

For more updates, you can check out Castle Lite at or follow their official social media pages:
YouTube: CastleLiteSA
Facebook: Castle Lite
Twitter: @CastleLiteSA
Instagram: @CastleLiteSA

In the meantime, check out the stream below and count down with us to this week’s In Bed With…

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