Masonwabe Ntloko Iliso Lo Moya

Masonwabe Ntloko to debut new exhibition this February

Visual artist and illustrator Masonwabe Ntloko will be exhibiting a new collection of work this February. Titled “Iliso Lo Moya” his solo exhibition will be held at the Katmo Gallery on 41 6th Street in Parhurst.

An alumnus of the Nelson Mandela University, Ntloko had the opportunity to intern under fellow Eastern Cape born artist Laduma Ngxokolo at the Maxhosa brand. His style also leans heavily on his culture as umXhosa, with his work speaking to preserving our cultural roots. His work is described as “a mirror of traditional Xhosa life and its seasons, from initiation, matriarchs in Xhosa regalia and the way life still is for many rural households.”

The distinctive style of his artistry is one that has afforded him a number of commercial opportunities, the most recent being a collaboration with Rocking The Daisies to design their festival merchandise. Apart from RTD, the list of his collaborative commercial partners includes Yogi Sip, Warner Music Africa, Markhams, and Airloom Decor, to name a few.

While he’s had a number of interactions with the public through his work in his career thusfar, this is the first exhibition of his work in a gallery set up. On display from February the 23rd till March 23rd, Masonwabe Ntloko’s debut exhibition is free and open to everyone.

Masonwabe Ntloko Iliso Lo Moya

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