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Inside Manthe Ribane’s Museum of Belief, Optimism, and Solidarity

Manthe Ribane

There was a girl. Teal lipstick, fluorescent disco pants, and a sharp bowl cut, razored bald on the sides, with a waist-long braid at each temple framing her face. “I’m a cartoon character,” she tells one camera while the screen cuts to her dancing in a Johannesburg street. She’s practically bursting with a magnetic charm […]

Manthe Ribane and Tony Gum: The Storytellers

Manthe Ribane Tony Gum Multichoice

Every story has a beginning. Our origins inform who we are and are at the heart of our identity. We are all storytellers, ultimately, and our stories play a definitive role in how we evolve as beings. Africa’s most loved storyteller, Multichoice, is passionate about showcasing them and the artists who create them. This September, […]

The Plug 100: Most Influential People in SA Urban Culture

The Oxford Dictionary defines influence as “the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself”. Additionally, it can also be concluded that influence is “the power to shape policy or ensure favourable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth”. When we embarked […]