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Inside Manthe Ribane’s Museum of Belief, Optimism, and Solidarity

Manthe Ribane

There was a girl. Teal lipstick, fluorescent disco pants, and a sharp bowl cut, razored bald on the sides, with a waist-long braid at each temple framing her face. “I’m a cartoon character,” she tells one camera while the screen cuts to her dancing in a Johannesburg street. She’s practically bursting with a magnetic charm […]

Tony Gum: Find Your People and Move With Them

Tony Gum

Being an artist is a lot like being a teenager. It’s a time of simultaneous omnipotence and powerlessness, according to Chris Kraus, as you live so intensely inside your own head that there isn’t a difference between reality and your imagination. You’re the master of your own universe, discovering and making the world all at […]

Manthe Ribane and Tony Gum: The Storytellers

Manthe Ribane Tony Gum Multichoice

Every story has a beginning. Our origins inform who we are and are at the heart of our identity. We are all storytellers, ultimately, and our stories play a definitive role in how we evolve as beings. Africa’s most loved storyteller, Multichoice, is passionate about showcasing them and the artists who create them. This September, […]