2 Lee Stark & Stephen of Kent present THERE MAY BE WOLVES

“There May Be Wolves” is a joint EP project by 2Lee Stark and Stephen Of Kent. The title of the album takes inspiration from Game Of Thrones. Stark is part of 2lee’s rap alias which is the same as House Stark on GOT, the house sigil of the starks is a wolf and they also happen to reside in the north just like the lead artists on this project.
The second meaning of the album title takes its origins from the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. This is the two artists’ way of saying that they too have cried wolf a lot but this time there may actually be a wolf. This project may by the breakthrough they’ve spoken about, this time it could be real.
Stephen Of Kent is a South African musical artist and producer who executive produced 2Lee Stark’s “Games” EP and “OFFBOYZ” single. 2Lee Stark and Stephen Of Kent worked on this Album over the autumn season coming in to the winter in the OFF BOYZ Recording Label “Winter” campaign which will also include two up coming singles each from the artists individually.  The joint project with 2Leestark is Stephen Of Kent’s first body of work ever released commercially.
The EP will be debut at Genesis All Black this weekend with the two artists coming together for a memorable June 16 commemoration performance along side the Jagermeister Brass Cartel brand.
Give the full EP a listen below:

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