What It Takes To Make It in the SA Hip Hop Industry from the Experts: Part 3
If talent were a blemished face, public relations would be the wave of a makeup artist’s brush; accentuating its natural highlights and beauty, and concealing its blemishes. PR is the act of disseminating information between a person/organisation and the general public in order to attract their interest. It is a carefully curated campaign to enhance […]
What It Takes To Make It in the SA Hip Hop Industry from the Experts: Part 2
The musical landscape is a rapidly evolving one. For decades, consistent commercial radio airplay was the top of the promotional totem pole that introduced new artists to the general public. With the advent of internet radio stations, podcasts and non-traditional ways of consuming media, the question becomes ‘Does radio airplay still matter?’ The answer is […]
What It Takes To Make It in the SA Hip Hop Industry From The Experts: Part 1
So you think you can rap. You’ve worshipped Lupe’s rich and intellectual wordplay, refusing to dumb himself down to appeal to a wider audience. You’ve studied Weezy’s cadence switch ups, and how they’ve garnered him enough acclaim from those in the know, to realise how a fluid flow can set you apart from the rest. […]
Celebrating exceptional women: The Rise of Female Rappers in SA Part 2
MC, n. /ɛmˈsiː/: microphone controller. The term itself isn’t gendered, but the in the context of the hip hop industry, the differentiation is always made. ‘It’s always “Who’s your favourite female rapper?” It’s never “Who’s your favourite rapper?” and we’re actually considered in that [category]’ says Gigi LaMayne. ‘I hate the fact that for some […]
Youngsta; Leader of the Y? Gen
If words came alive and were sentient, if they developed perception and feeling, moved through a room with human form and awareness, then Cyril Connolly’s quote ‘Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self’ would look a lot like Youngsta. The different lenses through […]
The Rise of Female Rappers in SA
I liken the hip hop industry in South Africa at the moment to a teenager; a kaleidoscope of emotion to be mined for meaningful growth, a host of physical changes that sometimes leave you with more questions than answers, but more importantly, an opportunity to be something really beautiful. The rise to prominence of female […]
Top 10 MCs to look out for in 2016
Hip hop lists are always incredibly divisive. Rap is intrinsically competitive, everyone is vying for a position, so you’re almost always guaranteed to offend someone because of who you’ve included or who you’ve omitted. However, as hip hop journalists, and to an extent, custodians of this culture that we love so much, we were excited […]
Riky Rick Reigns Supreme Part II
Riky Rick has transcended the traditional ideal of a rapper in South Africa with his cultural contributions in fashion, his unparalleled aesthetic approach to his videos and inspired short film titled Exodus. Riky’s fashion sense has been one of the most unique and defining facets of his career and of his personal brand. His style […]
Kanye West – The Life Of Pablo Review
Contrary to popular belief God did not rest on the 7th Day, he created Kanye. And my, did he take his time with his creation. Years ago, the hip hop deity that is Kanye Omari West didn’t simply waltz into our lives like a mere mortal, he exploded onto the scene like a Demon possessed. […]
The Rise of Durban Hip Hop
When you’re from a city that is popularly known for its bunny chows, plush beaches, beautiful women and a lavish annual horseracing event that no-one attends for the horse racing, it’s easy for your attempts to blow up to be eclipsed by all of the city’s generous attributes. Admit it, three years ago when someone […]
1996 – It Was A Really Good Year
Let’s see how hard the proverbial hip hop boat can be rocked. Tupac Shakur was not the greatest lyricist. He wasn’t the ultimate in wordplay. But, when he died on September 16th, 1996, at the age of 25, the pain that was felt across the world was immeasurable. He was one of the greatest that […]