Punchline Media

Punchline Season

In choosing the the creative direction for the group cover, we wanted to pay homage to the one of the greatest hip hop covers of all time; the Vibe Death Row Cover of 1996. 96 was an iconic year for hip hop. Referencing that cover meant showing – just like Death Row at the time – that Punchline is a label of young artists, who are immensely talented, and have the ability to take their fledgling label into the stratosphere of SA hip hop. Their story doesn’t end the way Death Row’s does. The past informs the present and the future, and Youth Month meant celebrating their stories in anticipation of all the ways in which they unlock that potential in the future.

Image by Khabazela “Artvillain” Mahlangu

Styled by Ama Zama of DNA Styling Agency

Makeup by Caroline Greef

Cover Design by Mzo Gcwabe

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