SA Hip Hop Awards submissions are now open

The SA Hip Hop Awards are now taking submissions for the 2020 awards. Submissions are open until the 2nd October 2020, and are subject to a number of rules. If you would like to be considered for nomination, check out the submission rules below.

The nominated art form must be released or occur in South Africa. Any SA Hip Hop album / mixtape / video / event / song / that was released or impactful or effective during 15th September 2019 to 15th September 2020.

The artist / group must be South African, if not then they must have a valid South African work permit and their work must be produced and released in the Republic of South Africa.

Dropbox Submissions: Only 1x correctly labelled ZIP file will be accepted per entry. Upload digital copies of material, artist profiles and press releases.

Courier Services: Only 1x correctly labelled envelope a USB of material will be accepted per entry. Include 2x CDs, artist profiles and press releases.

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