Video: adidas Launches the EQT Bask Adv in Style

This past Thursday , adidas hosted us for the launch of the EQT ADV Basketball sneaker. The event was held at Anatomy Store in Braam where we were treated to delectable appetizers and a full display of old EQTs that left us feeling some what nostalgic.

This was no doubt a much-anticipated launch , with the likes of Nape Phasha from Cut Throat, Vato Kade from La Familia and Mkay Frash from Hunting for Kicks ( all known for their impressive sneaker collections and love for street style ) in the crowd as some of the VIP guests – the excitement was definitely in the air. With the big reveal done and dusted we give this new rendering of the famous sneaker our coveted Plug stamp of approval.

Peep the video below to see what went down.

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