The Plug 100

THE PLUG 100 – 2017

Cover by Dumaza Ndata

Influence. This is a word that is tossed around pretty loosely these days. Indeed, we are slap-bang in the midst of the “influencer” era that’s buoyed by technology and its by-product, social media. The chances of finding a marketing plan without some sort of influencer strategy is as rare as a peaceful gathering of our politicians in parliament.

The other it word at the moment is “culture”. Everyone is doing it for the culture including the grandma living next door to your crib. Hillary Clinton was dabbing in her Presidential campaign. Banks are asking us to “cava the combo” in their campaigns. The game is on its knees, as the cool kids from the North of Joburg would say.

But not quite … You see amongst all the visual noise and hysteria that we are subjected to there’s a litany of creatives and mavericks that is producing work that is authentic, original and ground-breaking. We’re talking about the type of work that is impossible to ignore or forget; work that defines an era. Work that will go in the annals of history as fuckin’ awesome and game-changing!

This June Issue of The Plug is dedicated to 100 such individuals. These are the guys and girls that are pushing the culture forward regardless of the personal sacrifices that might be needed to do so.

We are opening the platform to you as our readers to suggest individuals that you feel deserve to be on this list. Our editorial team will consider everyone. Feel free to leave names and links below in our comments section. You can also send us your suggestions via Twitter by using the hashtag #ThePlug100.

We will drop 20 names every couple of days until we get to No. 1. Sharp.

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